Member-only story
Write LESS, say more? Easier said than done.
I need to write less. To be more concise with my words. It’s hard: all of my writing — Medium posts, emails, even text messages — skew wordy.
Me? I see no problem with it. I LOVE seeing all those amazing words from my 100% amazing totally non-egotistical mind.
And yet…
I read someone else’s work this week. Very verbose. Dense. Long sentences. Paragraphs chunkier than a bowl of beef stew.
I was like, “Get to the damn point already! Cut to the chase!”
And then… a whoosh of self-awareness smacked me in the face.
That’s how my writing comes across, doesn’t it…
My boss, peers, readers, and thought leaders I admire — maybe they’re all onto something when they tell me, “Less is more.”
“Talk less, smile more.” -Hamilton