Playing guitar didn’t get me any girls.

Hassan S. Ali
2 min readDec 20, 2020

I started playing guitar when I was 12. And 23 years later, it’s yet to deliver any of the female attraction I was hoping for. Oh, woe is me!

Maybe I blame all those VH1 Behind The Music episodes.

They got me all excited: Every guitarist raved about their popularity with the opposite sex. As a hormonal middle schooler, I had no confidence to, you know, go up and talk to girls. Guitar would be my rejection-proof way in.

Fast forward through middle school, high school, college, and now into adulthood: I’m waaaay good at guitar now. But my guitar-playing alone has yet to woo a single lady like those rockstars promised.

Only my upbeat personality and self-confidence has been successful in attracting cool women, but tbh that’s a lot of work when a simple guitar strum can make it happen like on Behind The Music?

I’ve even started my own bands, but no success…



Hassan S. Ali

I write comedy things. the ha & lol. Also a founding editor of Slackjaw on Medium.